The comments in the code explain it all
// alert("hello world");
// console.log(1);//a function we can use to log out vaues to the console.
//a way to create variables is by using "let"
let age = 25;
let year = 2021
// u can use comma to seperate two variables u want to output
console.log(age, year);
age = 30; //Note we updated the age here and we didnt use "let", We dont need to cause it picks the value and auto updates it itself.
//what of when we want to create a variable and we dont want that variable to change. Then we use a const
const points = 100;
//points = 50; so we cant do this cause it will give an error
//so const and let keyword, they are fairly new additions to the js language and the modern way to create variables. And what is recommended 100% of teh time.
//before let and cost came along, we used var.
var score = 75;
//There are seven datat types in JS..
// so I can see we have numbers in js but I dont see floats, it loks like numbers and decimals are under one varibke type here.
//We have strings which contain characters e.g mail, we have boolean true or false that is, null: a way we can explicitly saya variable doesnt have a real value,
// Undefined: Null is close to undefined, but undefined is a type that is given to variable automatically by the browser, that have not yet been defined. This one is given to variables when tehy are not yet defined.
// Object: More complext data structure which can have multiple diff ppt and functions, they can perform various different things,
//A lot of java script is based on objects, and there are various different type of objects built ito it for different things.
//A lot of jsis based on using objects, and there are many different type of objects built into the language we can use. Or subset of built in object type like arrays.
//You might hear the saying, "everything in JS is an object, which is a huge simplification but it stems from a source of truth"
//Symbols: They are new additions to teh javascript languge, theya re used with objects and we shal ldiscuss them later on.
console.log("Hi peeps");
let email ='imaginesdesigns@galaxy.universe';
let firstName = 'Rashdon';
let lastName = 'Shirah';
let fullName = firstName + ' ' + lastName;
//getting characters
//string length
console.log(fullName.length); //it counted teh space in btw as a character